Novel-ember: Day Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen

Day Thirteen: Playmates, Andrew Neiderman.

Fun thriller about a woman and her daughter who are taken prisoner by a kooky backwoods family.

Some really suspenseful moments. This was made into a lame movie with Burt Reynolds and Angie Dickinson called The Maddening (don't get too excited, it's pretty bad). 

This book was even reprinted with that title, so pick it up if you see it!

Copies can be found on Amazon.

Day Fourteen: The Mystery of Chimney Rock, Edward Packard.

Ok, so it's not an actual novel...leave me alone. This book changed my life as a kid and kickstarted my love for reading. It also served as a catalyst for my overactive imagination. 

The story has terrific atmosphere with memorable and creepy endings. You'll never forget Melissa the cat! 

Copies can be found on Amazon.

Day Fifteen: The Stepford Wives, Ira Levin.

I don't need to give a synopsis for this one since the story and title are now so ingrained in popular culture. 

One of my top favorite authors - you need to read every single thing he's ever written. 

He is truly missed.

Copies can be found on Amazon.


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